
Owning your own Tuition Centre

So you’re a teacher looking for a change. You know Tuition Centres can make money, you probably don’t know that some of them don’t make enough to survive. Where do you start? The first thing to thing about is the location of your Tuition Centre. A busy high street is ideal. Rents can be high, you might end up being above a shop. You shouldn’t be paying more than £15 k per year. Beware of business rates & don’t forget you’ll need planning permission. In business everybody is an expert- be careful who you listen to! Just because somebody is a good teacher it doesn’t mean that they will be good at business. This is a new skill set. You are gambling with your own money. Be very careful who you listen to!

For serious advice on how to make money through Tuition call Graeme 0161-860 6888. We own Manchester’s most popular & multi-award winning Tuition Centre. This is not a franchise or a long term commitment.

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