
Own your own Tuition Centre.

To employ or not to employ staff that is the question.

You have opened a Tuition Centre, you are doing well, teaching up to 60 students a week. You are making money, but still the phone keeps ringing! Do you turn down the business or ….dip your toes into the water and employ staff.

OK you might have been in the business of recruiting staff in more than one school. I have also worked on governing bodies at more than one school- for over 10 years, interviewing teachers for all manner of posts. But I’m so sorry to disappoint you, but this is not the same at all. Don’t ever think it is.

This is YOUR business, your reputation, your profit . Your livelihood depends on this decision- and a wrong decision could hit you hard!

Tuition Business Coaching can help you with this and ALL aspects of owning and operating a successful TUITION CENTRE.

For a friendly chat call Graeme 0161-860 6888.

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