
Join a Tuition franchise or Go Alone

(with help from Tuition Business Coaching)


If you are looking for an alternative career to being a teacher then owning a Tuition Centre might be for you.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding between joining a tuition franchise or doing it alone:

Start-up costs

A tuition franchise typically involves paying a franchise fee, which can be costly. In addition, there may be ongoing royalties or marketing fees to pay. Starting a tutoring business independently may be more cost-effective, as there are no franchise fees to pay.

Brand recognition

Joining a tuition franchise can provide immediate brand recognition and credibility. Customers may be more likely to trust a business that is part of a well-known franchise. Starting a tutoring business independently may require more effort to establish a reputation and build brand recognition.

Marketing and advertising

A tuition franchise may provide access to a proven marketing and advertising system. Franchises may have established advertising campaigns that are already successful in attracting customers. Starting a tutoring business independently will require more effort to develop and implement a marketing and advertising plan.

Support and training

Joining a tuition franchise can provide access to support and training from experienced professionals. Franchises may offer training in tutoring techniques, marketing, and business management. Starting a tutoring business independently will require the owner to research and develop their own training and support system.


A tuition franchise means adhering to the franchisor’s policies and procedures. Starting a tutoring business independently allows for more autonomy in decision-making and operations.

You could join a franchise- there are several options



There are others of course.

Franchises are proven businesses. They generally work- if you follow the guidance given.

You will be tied in for life. You will always pay a fee to the franchisor. Make sure you read the small print.

If you want to sell your business there may be conditions and further fees- again read the small print.

Tuition Business Coaching might be another option.

You still have to pay- but not forever!

Selling your business is your business- we can help if required.

We know how to successfully run a profitable Tuition Centre business.

We know the dos and don’ts!

Tuition business coaching recognises that you are an accomplished teacher- but beware- that is NOT the same as running a successful business.

Some Tuition Centres make more than others! We can help you.

Give me a call at 07588 560278.

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