
Tuition from home V.S. student’s house?

Yes of course you can. End of subject. When I was a teacher I would often tutor at a student’s house BUT this was for some extra pocket money- I was earning a good living with my teaching job, I was very successful.

Tutoring in the student’s house:


  • Personalized learning: Tutoring in the students’ house allows you to create a personalized learning experience that is tailored to the student’s needs and learning style.
  • Convenience for the student: Tutoring in the students’ house eliminates the need for the student to travel, making it more convenient for them.
  • Networking: Tutoring in the students’ house allows you to network with the student’s family and potentially gain referrals for future students.


  • Time-consuming: Traveling to the student’s house can be time-consuming, especially if you have to travel long distances.
  • Safety concerns: Tutoring in the students’ house can pose safety concerns, especially if you’re traveling to unfamiliar areas. Be sure to take appropriate precautions to ensure your safety.
  • Distractions: The student’s house may not be conducive to learning, with potential distractions such as family members, pets, or noise.

You could also teach children from your house.

You might need insurance, it wouldn’t be a good idea to be alone with a student in your house.

If you are thinking of multiple children you might need planning permission from your local council.

Tutoring from home:


  • Convenience: Tutoring from home eliminates the need for travel, saving you time and money on transportation.
  • Comfort: Tutoring from home allows you to create a comfortable learning environment that is tailored to your teaching style.
  • Flexibility: You can schedule tutoring sessions at your convenience, without worrying about conflicting schedules with your students or their families.


  • Safety concerns: Tutoring from home may require you to invite strangers into your home, which could be a safety concern. Be sure to take appropriate precautions to ensure your safety.
  • Distractions: It can be difficult to create a distraction-free environment when tutoring from home. You may be interrupted by family members or pets, which can disrupt the learning process.
  • Limited exposure: Tutoring from home may limit your exposure to potential students. Students may not know about your services if you don’t actively market yourself.

You would have to charge a large amount per student to make a decent living.

Work it backwards, how much money do you need?

If the average teacher’s salary is £35000 you might need lots of students-you’ll also be paying for resources.

If you are thinking of tutoring as your main income you will need to open a Tuition Centre.

I can help you with this.

Give me a call when you’re ready.

07588560278 or 0161-8606888 ask for Graeme.

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