
Teaching career VS. Teaching business?

Why would you choose to leave your well-paid steady teaching job that has sick pay, holidays & holiday pay, and a pension?

Your job has a start and finish time ( I know you might disagree with that!)

Why would you go into a business that might leave you in debt? Where you might not earn as much as your teaching job? Where you really do take your work home? If you’ve never had your own business before you might be in for a shock!


To be my own boss- I hear you say.

To choose my own hours!

To spend more time with my family!

To stop attending endless meetings!


Actually, some business owners earn more money than they would in a job – but not all business owners!

The successful ones plan their time thoughtfully, they look at all aspects of their business.

They don’t just follow the crowd.

But some lose money.


A career in teaching provides…

Steady Income – One of the significant benefits of a teaching career is the steady income it provides. Teachers typically receive a regular salary and benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid vacation.

Professional Development – Teaching careers offer opportunities for professional development, including ongoing training, workshops, and seminars. Teachers can also pursue advanced degrees to further their knowledge and expertise in their field.

Job Security – In most cases, teaching jobs offer job security, especially in the public education system. Teachers are typically protected by tenure laws, which provide job security and protection from arbitrary dismissal.

However, also entails…

Limited Autonomy – Teaching careers can be restrictive in terms of autonomy. Teachers must follow the curriculum and policies set by their school or district, which may not align with their teaching philosophy or methods.

Limited Income Potential – While salaries are generally stable, they may not offer much room for growth or advancement. Teachers may need to work in the field for many years before receiving significant pay increases.

Limited Flexibility – Teaching careers can be inflexible in terms of work hours and schedules. Teachers are typically required to work during school hours, and many also have to attend meetings and events outside of school hours.

A teaching business provides…

Autonomy – Starting a tuition business provides educators with greater autonomy over their teaching methods, curriculum, and business decisions. They can tailor their services to meet the specific needs of their students.

Higher Income Potential – Teaching tuition businesses offer the potential for higher income and profit margins than traditional teaching careers. Educators can set their own rates and charge more for specialized services.

Flexibility – Teaching tuition businesses offer greater flexibility in terms of work hours and schedules. Educators can work part-time or full-time, and they can choose their own hours and days of operation.

However, also entails…

Initial income Insecurity – Starting a tuition business comes with income insecurity, particularly in the early stages. The business may take time to establish itself, and income may fluctuate depending on demand and the number of students.

Limited Professional Development – Starting a teaching tuition business may limit opportunities for professional development. Educators may need to invest more time and money in their business than in pursuing additional education or training.

Limited Job Security – Teaching tuition businesses do not offer the same job security as traditional teaching careers. The business is vulnerable to economic downturns, competition, and other external factors.

Some Tuition Centre owners are very successful and some are not.

If you have ever thought of opening your very own successful Tuition Centre give me a call.

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