
Tag Archives: benefits

Procrastination on starting a business?

Do you sometimes find yourself putting off important tasks again and again? You’re definitely not on your own! Most people tend to procrastinate at some level. Apparently around 20% of people allow procrastination to stop them fulfilling their potential… and that’s the kiss of death for anyone in business. Especially if you want to be […]

How to set up a Tuition Centre

Starting a Tuition Centre can be a rewarding venture as it allows you to help students improve their academic skills and achieve their educational goals. Here are some steps you should follow to set up a Tuition Centre. Define your target market Before you start setting up your tuition centre, you need to define your […]

Same old….Same old….Same old….

Setting up a tuition center can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Many tuition center owners often make the same mistakes, leading to a lack of growth and profitability. In this blog, we’ll explore some of these common mistakes and how tuition business coaching can […]

The Value in opening A Tuition Centre in 2023?

What is the value in opening a tuition centre in 2023 and is it worth pursuing this dream? Whether you are looking for extra revenue or want to become your own boss. There are several reasons why someone might consider the value in opening a tuition centre in 2023. So we have outlined some of […]

What do you get paid for?

As an entrepreneur and business owner you get paid for getting things done. The big earners, the super successful simply get more things done. Too many entrepreneurs are too ineffective at implementation. They plot and they plan. They have great ideas and worthy goals, but their dreams never take flight. Because they don’t make it […]

The Golden 10 minutes…

When your business gets a new lead or enquiry – how long does it take you to get back to them? 10 minutes? An hour? A day? A week? If you call after 10 minutes you have a 92% chance of getting hold of them. If you leave it for 30 minutes it’s 65%. After […]

Foolish and Wrong!

Why do so many people big up work? Last Thursday I gave feedback to a coaching client on a marketing flyer. Only a couple of tweaks needed. I asked her when they would be going to print. “A week on Monday “, she replied. Why would she say this? There’s 20 minutes work maximum needed […]

Are you a professional business person or a wanabee?

Being a professional business person requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and personal qualities. Here are some key characteristics that are important for success in the business world: Strong Work Ethic: Successful business people are dedicated to their work and have a strong work ethic. They are willing to put in long hours, work hard, […]

Should you mix age ranges?

Should you mix age ranges at your Tuition Centre? Contact me for a chat. When it comes to running a tuition center, one question that often arises is whether it is a good idea to mix age ranges. While there are pros and cons to mixing age ranges, ultimately it depends on the needs and […]

Are you lost in the woods?

Are you a teacher looking for a new opportunity- a new challenge? As a teacher, you may be looking for new business opportunities to expand your income and reach more students. One option to consider is opening a tuition center. Here are some reasons why opening a tuition center can be a great business opportunity […]