
Tag Archives: how to

Qualified Teachers Only!

At Chorlton Tuition Centre I regularly get calls from people asking for work as a tutor? My first question for them is always the same- “Are you a qualified teacher?” If the answer is no, I simply won’t employ them. I can’t employ them. Society may have discredited teachers over the last few years, but […]

Procrastination on starting a business?

Do you sometimes find yourself putting off important tasks again and again? You’re definitely not on your own! Most people tend to procrastinate at some level. Apparently around 20% of people allow procrastination to stop them fulfilling their potential… and that’s the kiss of death for anyone in business. Especially if you want to be […]

How to set up a Tuition Centre

Starting a Tuition Centre can be a rewarding venture as it allows you to help students improve their academic skills and achieve their educational goals. Here are some steps you should follow to set up a Tuition Centre. Define your target market Before you start setting up your tuition centre, you need to define your […]

It’s Not Your Fault

It’s Monday afternoon and I am here to tell you that it’s not your fault, apparently. If you’re a dad who’s prone to embarrassing dancing then don’t worry, it’s not your fault . That’ll be a bout of ‘beat deafness’. If things aren’t going too great in your business then don’t worry, it’s not your […]

How to treat your students?

You must know how to treat your students as a tutor or teacher. It is important to treat your students with respect and kindness. This positive relationship can have a great positive impact on learning and teaching, making it easier to communicate with pupils. As a result, you will gain a level of respect from […]

How to set up a tuition centre? 2023

Are you ready to set up your own tuition centre in 2023? Opening a tuition centre can be a worthwhile business venture as it can help students improve academically and reach their educational goals. So here are some key steps to set up your Learning Center: How can we help? These are some basic steps […]

The Golden 10 minutes…

When your business gets a new lead or enquiry – how long does it take you to get back to them? 10 minutes? An hour? A day? A week? If you call after 10 minutes you have a 92% chance of getting hold of them. If you leave it for 30 minutes it’s 65%. After […]

Foolish and Wrong!

Why do so many people big up work? Last Thursday I gave feedback to a coaching client on a marketing flyer. Only a couple of tweaks needed. I asked her when they would be going to print. “A week on Monday “, she replied. Why would she say this? There’s 20 minutes work maximum needed […]

Are you a professional business person or a wanabee?

Being a professional business person requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and personal qualities. Here are some key characteristics that are important for success in the business world: Strong Work Ethic: Successful business people are dedicated to their work and have a strong work ethic. They are willing to put in long hours, work hard, […]

Should you mix age ranges?

Should you mix age ranges at your Tuition Centre? Contact me for a chat. When it comes to running a tuition center, one question that often arises is whether it is a good idea to mix age ranges. While there are pros and cons to mixing age ranges, ultimately it depends on the needs and […]