
Tag Archives: students


Sixty-Five Percent (65%) of businesses Data shows that 20% of all new businesses fail within the first 2 years of opening. 45% fail within the first 5 years of opening AND 65% of all businesses fail within the first 10 years of opening! The most common reasons are: Don’t let this happen to your business. […]

Good at Teaching, but Not at Business?

You’re at work. You’re employed. And VERY good at what you do. Maybe you’re a dentist, a teacher, a builder, a chef, an accountant. You know what to do. You could do this job with your eyes shut, you show others what to do. After coming home from work, you laugh & you sleep. So […]

The Road to Nowhere!

No matter how much time you have your work will always expand to fill it. So if you’re not strict with your daily routine you’ll end up working for hundreds of hours each month on activities that will lead you NOWHERE! Develop a daily schedule that includes dedicated time blocks for specific tasks. This structure […]

Are you a Professional Business Person or one of the Wannabes

Do you… A. React & Sweat ? or B. Think & Plan? Do you… A. Have no functional role in your business? or B. Work as a glorified employee? Do you… A. Understand that business is a numbers game? or B. Avoid your business numbers? Professionals vs Wannabes Professionals understand that the business landscape is […]

Random Acts of Advertising!

Marketing companies know only too well that most businesses do not have a marketing plan. This is obvious- why would they call businesses like yours to promote random acts of marketing ? I had a call this week asking me to advertise in a local magazine that is to be published in November. But my […]

Follow Up!

Following up demonstrates your commitment to customer service. It shows that you value the potential customer’s interest and are willing to go the extra mile to meet their needs. Engaging with customers after their initial inquiry allows you to address any concerns they may have, ensuring a positive experience. Regular follow-ups establish trust and credibility […]

Crunching Numbers

When in doubt….GET YOUR CALCULATOR OUT! In the world of marketing and advertising, campaigns are launched with specific goals in mind, whether it’s driving sales, increasing brand awareness, or engaging with the target audience. However, to truly determine the success of a campaign, relying on intuition or subjective opinions may fall short. That’s where maths […]

The Golden 10 minutes

The first 10 minutes of a follow-up interaction are crucial in maintaining momentum, reinforcing connections, and leaving a lasting impression. This “golden 10 minutes” holds immense potential to propel your business forward. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the golden 10 minutes in the follow-up process and share strategies to make […]

Qualified Teachers Only!

At Chorlton Tuition Centre I regularly get calls from people asking for work as a tutor? My first question for them is always the same- “Are you a qualified teacher?” If the answer is no, I simply won’t employ them. I can’t employ them. Society may have discredited teachers over the last few years, but […]